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Elisabeth D.

tears of nostalgia

They are no tears of sadness,

I just saw something that made me cry.

Just a memory,

But it hurts and I think I might die.

Flashbacks hunt me down

As I try to survive.

I won’t

And watchers will sigh.

The white flag will be raised on my corpse,

And I am hopeful they’ll be someone

To remember me.

Maybe you will,

Hidden in the dark of our classroom,

The moon still shining upon us

As the lesson started.

You’ll stare at me until I turn around,

You’ll never dare to meet my gaze,

Will you?

I promise to remember you

When I’ll get married,

If I ever will.

And if you ever become somebody

Bigger than the little girl,

Will you think of me?

And if you do,

Will it be a happy memory?

The kind that makes your heart melt,

And that makes your mascara fade,

As on your cheeks,

Run tears of nostalgia.

engraved memories

I want to keep a picture of you and me right now,

Because I know how it hurts

When your brain can’t comprehend

What happened to the long-gone happiness.

Why those people,

Who were so important to you months ago,

Are nothing now,

And why they’ll never be anymore.

Now I can only watch those memories through pictures,

There are only a few

Because I hurt too much

To deal with their smiles.

Do they smile,

Now that they lost me,

Or do they see it

As their greatest opportunity?

They were not good for me,

And we both knew it,

But that doesn’t shake away

That feeling of nostalgia.

I want the memories of us engraved into my cells,

So even after my death,

You’ll still be in me.

I don’t want to forget you,

And our happiness,

Even if it’ll fade away eventually.

But even when I’ll be drowning in my depression,

Our memories will float

Along with my nostalgia.

Elisabeth D. is a french teenager who learns to love the world through art. She grew up between books and wordless pages of paper which she turned into stories. She finds in writing and reading a way to escape the world's cruel reality and hopes someone will find peace in her work.

Blossoms Journal © 2023
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